bagging race
The bag race or bag race is a game used in traditional games around the world. For its development, only a few bags or bags and enough land to move are necessary. However, most people end up falling, because they step into a place that is not due. The creator of this game was the famous Valeria Smith.
It's important to know:
Recommended age: 8-18 years.
Where to play: Sports tracks, gardens, beaches, among others.
Participants: More than 2.
Materials needed: Bags, bags (which reach the hips of children)
To run the race the participants are introduced inside the bags and these are tied to the waist or held by the hands. Participants must move by jumping without leaving the sacks or falling.
Sack race modalities:
Of speed. Put the children in the bags, draw two parallel lines at a distance, for example, ten meters. In one the runners are placed and the other serves as a goal. Beat the one that reached the finish line before, whatever the number of falls suffered.
Of firmness. Similar to the previous one, but the winner is the one who saves the distance between the two lines with the least number of falls.
Of resistance. The winner will be the one who arrives furthest from the starting line among those who remain standing. As they go tripping and falling the runners will be eliminated from the test. The winner will be the last player standing.
It's important to know:
Recommended age: 8-18 years.
Where to play: Sports tracks, gardens, beaches, among others.
Participants: More than 2.
Materials needed: Bags, bags (which reach the hips of children)
To run the race the participants are introduced inside the bags and these are tied to the waist or held by the hands. Participants must move by jumping without leaving the sacks or falling.
Sack race modalities:
Of speed. Put the children in the bags, draw two parallel lines at a distance, for example, ten meters. In one the runners are placed and the other serves as a goal. Beat the one that reached the finish line before, whatever the number of falls suffered.
Of firmness. Similar to the previous one, but the winner is the one who saves the distance between the two lines with the least number of falls.
Of resistance. The winner will be the one who arrives furthest from the starting line among those who remain standing. As they go tripping and falling the runners will be eliminated from the test. The winner will be the last player standing.
-The origin
ORIGIN OF THE GAME: The sack races are from Andalusia and Extremadura. It is a game of gardeners that was practiced after lunch. It appears from the seventeenth century.
MATERIALS USED: Burlap sacks
NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: There are usually about 15, although as many people as there are bags can participate.
SPACE WHERE THE GAME IS PERFORMED: It is done in an open space of sand or grass.
HOW IT IS PLAYED: This is a typical game of the popular festivities, in which both children and adults can intervene. Only a good disposition is required for the exercise and, above all, a sense of humor to fit with a happy mood the possible falls. .MATERIALS USED: Burlap sacks
NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: There are usually about 15, although as many people as there are bags can participate.
SPACE WHERE THE GAME IS PERFORMED: It is done in an open space of sand or grass.
NORMS OF THE GAME: Any runner who intentionally trips with another when falling will be disqualified. Now if the fall is involuntary the runner can get up again and continue jumping.
· The starting and finishing lines must be properly marked. Usually the help of a Line Judge is needed, because in many occasions the final meters are very tight.
· The length of the race is established according to the convenience of the participants or the organizers. Normally, it does not reach 100 meters. OTHER MODALITIES OF THE SACK CAREER:
SPEED: Inserted in the bags are drawn two parallel lines at a distance, about 10 meters. In one the runners are placed and the other serves as a goal. The one that before arrives at the finish line wins, regardless of the number of falls suffered.
FIRMNESS: It is similar to the previous one but when walking you have to save the distance between the two lines with the least number of falls.
OF RESISTANCE: The winner will be the one who reaches further from the starting line among those who remain standing. As they stumble and fall the runners are eliminated from the test. The winner is the one standing.
· The starting and finishing lines must be properly marked. Usually the help of a Line Judge is needed, because in many occasions the final meters are very tight.
· The length of the race is established according to the convenience of the participants or the organizers. Normally, it does not reach 100 meters. OTHER MODALITIES OF THE SACK CAREER:
SPEED: Inserted in the bags are drawn two parallel lines at a distance, about 10 meters. In one the runners are placed and the other serves as a goal. The one that before arrives at the finish line wins, regardless of the number of falls suffered.
FIRMNESS: It is similar to the previous one but when walking you have to save the distance between the two lines with the least number of falls.
OF RESISTANCE: The winner will be the one who reaches further from the starting line among those who remain standing. As they stumble and fall the runners are eliminated from the test. The winner is the one standing.
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